Personal Training Client: Beatrice Oliveiro
Age: 58
Occupation: Lecturer
Personal Trainer: Nelson Chong
After having been on medication for high blood pressure for about a year, I decided one day to ask the doctor if there was any way I could stop taking the medication. He said he might consider stopping it if I achieved significant weight loss - 10 kg. My weight at that time was 68kg. Feeling encouraged that there was this possibility, but completely at a loss as to how to make it happen, I asked Vivien how she had managed to lose weight. Before this I had tried many times to lose weight without any significant success. Vivien introduced me to the gym and asked me to consider having a personal trainer. In all honesty, when she mentioned the idea of a personal trainer, I had mentally decided that I did not need one. After all, what could a trainer do for me that I could not do for myself? But because Vivien was being very helpful, I reluctantly agreed to try a PT session with Nelson. I'm glad I decided to be open to the idea.
At our first session, I explained to Nelson about my old ankle injury. Because of this injury, my left ankle is very weak and that affects my stability. My husband and I love dancing but I have never been able to do it well because of my lack of balance. As we discussed my injury and my fears, I became convinced that Nelson knew exactly what he was talking about and how to help me to get where I wanted to go. Perhaps Nelson could help me improve my balance. I had consulted an orthopaedic surgeon about my ankle problem and all he wanted to do was to operate on the ankle. The ankle hurts periodically and I have come to accept that the pain will always be there and my focus was on how to manage the pain. Perhaps Nelson could help me in this too. My wish list to Nelson began to grow as we talked and he explained to me how we could, over time, improve my physical well-being. Strangely enough, the weight issue became secondary. I just wanted to be a stronger person so I could dance better and have less pain in the process.