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Sports injury Rehabilitation Rehabilitation

Personal Training Client: Brenda Tung

Age: 37

Occupation: Coach

Personal Trainer: Llyon Lim


I have been suffering from lower back pain since my secondary school days due to playing competitive hockey. Over the many years, I have test out various treatments which ranged from bone setters to chiropractors but of no avail.


Fast forward to today, I lead an active lifestyle which includes lifting weights and Krav Maga. Unfortunately, I had to stop working out due my lower back condition.

I got to know FTI through a friend whose husband was undergoing rehabilitation from a slipped disc operation and he was working out really well.


I am very blessed have Llyon assigned as my trainer. He made sure all bases were covered and designed exercises to rehab my lower back.  Sometime later I was able to go back to my active lifestyle again.


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Personal Training Client: Tyrone Almeida

Age: 43

Occupation : Marketing Manager

Personal Trainer : Samuel Hsu


I have always been into competitive and adventure sports. Playing soccer and squash (local and regional tournaments), Scuba diving and trekking the world over. I had a 5 day a week training regimen to support these activities. 


Unfortunately, I had a severe case of a ‘slipped’ disc during a squash game and after many months of being bed-ridden had to finally undergo multiple rounds of spinal surgery before I could walk again.


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Personal Training Client: Dr Don Pek

Occupation: Doctor

Personal Trainer: Nelson Chong


I stopped exercising and accepted being out of shape as part of growing older.
I started feeling tired all the time and nurtured a recurring backache, which seemed to be a common complaint among my colleagues. Over the next 10 years, I gained about 12 kilograms. Three years ago, things took a sudden downturn during a medical mission trip in Bangladesh. I had been operating for 10 hours when I felt something go ‘pop’ in my back.


Nelson’s meticulous attention to correcting my form and maintaining safety assured me as I grew in both confidence and strength. I began to look forward to each training session as no two sessions involved the same machines, weights and stretchy rope contraptions. Nelson made it a point to keep things interesting and prevent my body from becoming complacent. So far, I have experienced gradual but marked improvements in strength, flexibility, endurance and perhaps coordination. My gait improved and I could perform longer operations without experiencing the same tightness and pain. My friends commented on a visible weight loss and most importantly, there was no more pain.


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Personal Training Client: Jacky Tan

Age: 47

Occupation: Director

Personal Trainer: Nelson Chong


I have the privilege of being introduced to Nelson by my sister's friend in Feb 2012. Prior to meeting Nelson, I have been suffering from shoulder pain for a few years. This prevented me from playing badminton and golf. I have tried treatments like glucosamine, chiropractic and sports massage. The treatments gave me temporary relief but the pain came back.


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