Personal Training Client: Carol Fusek
Age: 61
Occupation: Consultant
Personal Trainer: Nelson Chong
How Functional Training Institute – FTI (oh and my doctor) helped me go olive harvesting in Italy!! I recall FTI's words very clearly, "Carol you should see your doctor, your shoulder pain is not an issue we can correct" the pain is different and thank you FTI you were so RIGHT!
My orthopedic Surgeon found via all the MRI's that the tendon in my right shoulder had a ~ 20% tear and of course the ol' bone spurs in the area were not helping matters. Fix it he says, or in 5 years you may not be able to use your arm. 27 May 2011 the surgery was done.
I started my rehabilitation at FTI and the "joy's" of the release work along with various exercise techniques to restore my shoulder movement and strength in 3 months, my doctor was amazed. "Carol you are progressing better than 80% of my clients with similar surgery". The fitness pays off!
All the previous training (thanks Nelson) combined with the rehabilitation at FTI had prepared me physically to be in the best shape ever, which contributed to my recovery; in 4 and half months I was using my shoulder in the olive grove! I was there for 2 weeks helping friends in Italy harvest olives this past October. It was the best experience and evidence of how well I have progressed!! Thanks!