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Personal Training Client: Charmaine Lim

Age: 15

Occupation: Student

                      Athlete of Singapore Sports School

                      National Youth Bowler of Singapore

Personal Trainer: Nelson Chong


Prior to training with Nelson, I had my fitness trainings and gym sessions in the school to facilitate my performance and endurance (stamina) on the bowling lanes.


Trainings held in school are tough and are mostly focused on pushing our limits, without any time to recover from vigorous daily fitness and strengthening sessions. In addition, bowling, trainings for me are on a daily basis too. Apart from the sore muscles, I realised pains and aches developing at my knees. Initially, I thought it was due to the tedious training in school but after about 9 to 10 months in Sports School, it got so bad that it badly affected both my performances on the lanes and during fitness trainings. I was referred to a specialist by my school's physiotherapist and found out soon later that I had a flat foot condition in addition to the hyperextension of my knees and hyper mobility of my joints – the cause of the immense and unbearable pain that I went through during my sporting pursuits.


In November 2010, my aunt recommended me to train with Functional Training Institute to improve my condition to ease the process in reaching my sporting goals. Training was targeted at muscles that support my knees, especially the hips and buttocks. Trigger point release was extensively used during the first few training sessions and to 'wake' those lazy muscles up. I was truly impressed at the speed my condition was improving; within 5 weeks I was able to go on to compete in 2 overseas tournaments and achieved my personal best of the year.

I was also able to bowl for 13 hours straight without any pain, swelling and inflammation of my knees, in 1 of 2 tournaments, participating in 3 master finals categories, all on the same day. Within 2 months of training at FTI with Nelson, I was back on track for hardcore trainings and unlike before, I experienced minimal discomfort and was able to push myself to new limits every time.


Thank you for giving me the ability to continue pursuing my sporting dreams. My coaches and teammates are all amazed at the results within such a short time-frame and I have been recommending FTI to teammates who have experienced problems ever since.

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