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Personal Training Client: Jacky Tan

Age: 47

Occupation: Director

Personal Trainer: Nelson Chong


I have the privilege of being introduced to Nelson by my sister's friend in Feb 2012. Prior to meeting Nelson, I have been suffering from shoulder pain for a few years. This prevented me from playing badminton and golf. I have tried treatments like glucosamine, chiropractic and sports massage. The treatments gave me temporary relief but the pain came back.


After only a couple of sessions with Nelson, I was amazed that the pain had almost disappeared. Over and above treating my shoulder, Nelson also designed a programme for me to strengthen my weak muscles. I now also learned and understood the causes of my body pain and the importance of maintaining good body condition in order to fully benefit from the training.


I have been training for about 3 months now at FTI. I am immensely grateful to Nelson for restoring my body to a more functional condition. His knowledge and expertise are clearly exhibited by his ability to diagnose problems and customise an appropriate programme. I have since recommended a badminton buddy who also has the shoulder pain and my son who is doing his national service to train at FTI.


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