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Personal Training Client: Jen Goh


Age: 17


Occupation: Competitive Golfer


Personal Trainer: Nelson Chong









SUFFERING PAIN from every swing?
LOSING CONTROL over your ball?
ALWAYS LACKING POWER for more distance

Seeking for a fun and effective way to performance training?
Click and play the short clip below to witness the excitement!

Singapore National Amateur Championship Aug 2015

Singapore National Amateur Championship Aug 2014

Sea Games Singapore 2015 Team


Hong Kong Ladies Open Amateur Championship Sep 2014

San Diego City Amateur Championship Jul 2015

SLGA Amateur Open Golf Championship Aug 2015

Read More to discover the secret behind professional golfer, Jen Goh who has suffered multiple injuries previously and now enjoying a life of a professional golfer, totally pain free.




I was a 16 year old JC 1 student who made a decision to take a year off from school to train full time in golf, only to sustain multiple injuries from doing wrong exercises at a gym (under the watchful eyes of a trainer) and halt all plans I had. I duly left that gym and sought to find a cure for my always painful shoulder and knee. That brought me to see an orthopaedic surgeon, who had me do 2 MRI scans, and two physiotherapists who prescribed me a bunch of exercises that never seemed to help me get better. I was kept away from playing and competing for almost a year and when I tried to hit just 10 balls at the driving range, I left crying. I could not endure the physical pain from my injuries but more than that, the frustration of not being able to play the game that I loved so much. On top of that, I was suffering from constipation and I had lost almost 12kg in a short 1 month to weigh a mere 43kg. Being 1.74m tall and supposedly an athlete, I was severely underweight. I felt really weak and cold all the time and that was when I began to lose hope, seeing my dream of becoming a world-class golfer slowly fade away.


Then, my mum knew that something had to be done and we had to keep trying to find a way to keep that fire within me burning. After spending 3 months in Beijing, China where I had marginally improved, we figured that maybe it was the functional training methods they used there that made the difference. So I typed in ‘best functional training in Singapore’ into the Google search box, clicked on the first link and found FTI. That Google search in November 2012 seriously changed my life and lifted me out of the doldrums.


I met Nelson for that first session and I remember being put through a series of tests to determine my flexibility, balance and problematic areas. Then he demonstrated some very simple trigger point release work (which I still diligently do till today) that made a whole lot of difference. I could never touch my toes and always gave everyone the excuse that I just had extra long legs but I could touch them easily now! Within a short 2 weeks or so, all my previous injuries no longer bothered me anymore thanks to Nelson’s amazingly effective release ‘massages’ and trigger point therapy. As a competitive golfer who trains 3-6 hours 6 days a week, I often overstrain certain muscles, and even once hurt my wrist after hitting the root of a tree (with a steel iron that almost broke!), but I now have nothing to worry about because one session with Nelson is all it takes to be pain free again. 


After I got past the ‘fixing’ phase, I moved on to start building up strength and explosive power while creating stability and balance, all key elements of the golf swing. Training with Nelson was unlike any other ‘gym’ experience that I had previously encountered. All the exercises he put me through were carefully explained and most of them ensured that my body was fully integrated, working on the targeted muscle group while firing up the core at the same time. The workouts were always fun but challenging and believe it or not, really refreshing! You would never think that you could do so many things with simple equipment and apparatus. Also, the intensity of the workout was always just enough so I could push myself to the next level each time I trained and being able to do that always gave me a great sense of achievement.


Furthermore, the community of trainers and staff at FTI made going there such a wonderful experience. They all are really friendly and always looking like they are having a ball of a time helping people. Not only is their equipment state of the art, the atmosphere there is always so positive and inviting.


Discovering FTI was like digging up a treasure chest of gold to me because it meant that I could live my dream again. It boosted my confidence and made me more determined than ever to surpass my goals. I’m happy to say that I have improved my balance, gained much needed strength and remained pain free, giving me an enormous breakthrough in my golf game. I’ve been breaking my own personal bests, notched up good tournament finishes and my coach was especially impressed with how I could make vast improvements in my swing in not more than 2 weeks when it would normally take months. Thanks to FTI and Nelson, I can honestly say I’ve not been in a better place physically and mentally. Nothing short of extraordinary!


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