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Name:                  Jane Chiew

Age     :                46

Occupation :       Manager

Trainer :              Karen Goh


Before I started my fitness regime, I was always having headaches, feeling breathless, tired and restless as I couldn’t sleep well most nights due to pain at neck and shoulders. I was desperate and sought all kinds of treatments like painkillers, muscle relaxants, physiotherapy, acupuncture, sports massage, etc. To my disappointment, all these treatments only made me felt better temporarily but the problem never went away permanently.  My “aha!” moment came when I visited my family physician in Dec 2004 to find out the cause of my persistent headaches. The diagnosis was high blood pressure and he gave me an ultimatum – a lifetime of medication or a fountain of youth through regular exercises. Fear, more than anything else, drove me to face the fact that if I didn't make a lifestyle change then, I might never do it! On the advice of my doctor, I went on a wildsearch for a well-qualified female trainer that could treat special population,and that was when I came to know Karen Goh in California Fitness Club.


When I started working out with Karen back in Jan 2005, I weighed 73.5kg and had over 39.3% body fat. My blood pressure was constantly above 140/90. The first BP reading with Karen was 160 / 110.  On the assurance of my doctor that it was safe to continue, Karen carried out several tests to ascertain my fitness level. She then designed a complete programme consisting of diet and training to suit my lifestyle and fitness level. Although we worked very hard, there was notmuch change in my body for the first 3 months as Karen needed to customize her training to regulatemy blood pressure constantly so as to not to spike it too high. Nevertheless, Karen kept encouraging me, and slowly and surely I saw the results. My weight dropped, and I started to feel stronger and look better. My metabolism improved and this has greatly shaped my attitude from a skeptic into a believer. Today, my blood pressure has returned to normal with no medication.


I have been training with Karen since for more than 10 years now. We have crossed over from the more isolated approach of training to one that is more functional - focusing on core, flexibility, stability, balance, muscular strength, endurance and movement patterns. The use of full body movements would elevate the heart rate, which would provide the cardiovascular benefits that one needs while working on everything else – no need to choose between resistance and cardio. Karen has also progressed from simply a personal trainer to a certified rehabilitation and functional training specialists who is well qualified to rehab you while deliveringthe fitness results safely. Training often mimics common movement patterns that I could use in my high mountain trekking, marathon running and cycling sports with ease, efficiency, strength and control. I would strongly recommend Functional Training Institute to anyone who believes you can live a pain-free, energetic and zestful life.





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