Personal Training Client: Varkha J. Shamdasani
Age: 54
Occupation: Homemaker
Personal Trainer: Karen Goh
I have always been a very active person. Exercise, yoga and gym have always been part of my daily regime, alongside my household chores. Unfortunately, it seems my passion exceeded what my body could take, and over-doing the workouts caused excessive wear and tear to my joints, which resulted in depletion. It started to hurt whenever I climbed up, went down the stairs, or drove for long distances. Gradually, I felt the pain in my knee worsening. I went to see an orthopaedic surgeon, and after specific tests and x-rays, he suggested Arthroscopy (Knee surgery). In the meantime, due to the worsening pain, I could not exercise, and this made me very upset. Fortunately, after a successful knee surgery, I was referred to Ms Karen Goh, my rehab trainer. My good friend Nimmi had recommended her.
I was very apprehensive about this whole idea - my recovery and if I would be back to normal, to my active self again. Ms Karen, my therapist worked wonders for me. Her training and my perseverance made it all happen. Initially, I lacked confidence in her and myself, but I was adamant to make it work. I must say, she is good at what she does. After the first few sessions, I was convinced that I was indeed getting better. Ms Karen’s focused attention to my concerns made me feel strong and confident.
After twelve sessions of therapy, I have seen a significant improvement in my health. I can do exercises, which I could previously never imagine being able to do alone. My family saw a remarkable difference in me. Moreover, I am thankful to Ms Karen because I do not experience any pain any more after working out.
I have been training for about 3 months so far at FTI. Frankly, I feel that I am back to myself again; I am able to exercise like before. I am focus on improving my health. I now swim and go regularly for yoga, and continue my exercise regime.
The training was an uphill task in the beginning, but it’s all worth the while. Thanks to Ms Karen. I am very appreciative of her. I am mentally and physically stronger now.
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